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Traces - Program

» Télécharger le programme en .pdf

Exil 1 — The end of Times

Samedi 27/01 — 19:30

Chapelle Protestante
Rue du Musée 2, 1000 Bruxelles

» Tickets

Ernest Bloch
From Jewish Life - Prière [1924]
(violoncelle & piano)
W. A. Mozart
Quatuor à cordes en ré mineur KV421 [1783]
Béla Kovács
Sholem-alekhem, Rov Fedman (piano et clarinette)
— Entracte —
Olivier Messiaen
Quatuor pour la fin du temps [1941] (clarinette, piano, violon, violoncelle)


Quatuor Karski (BE/PL)
Marie Hallynck, violoncelle (BE)
Muhiddin Dürrüoğlu, piano (TR)
Philippe Graffin, violon (FR)
Ronald Van Spaendonck, clarinette (BE)

Exil 2 — Car tout ira bien

Dimanche 04/02 — 17:00

Atelier Marcel Hastir
Rue du Commerce 51, 1000 Bruxelles

» Tickets

Ilse Weber
Huit Chansons [1942/1943] (chant et guitare)
Erwin Schulhoff
Duo pour violon et violoncelle [1925]
Ludwig van Beethoven
Trio pour cordes, op.9 nr 3 [1797] (violon, alto, violoncelle)


Aline Ferber, chant (FR)
Gaëlle Cantaert, guitare (BE)
Judyta Kluza-Sporniak, violon (PL)
Alex Petryakov, alto (UKR)
Filip Sporniak, violoncelle (PL)


Conservatoire Royal de Liège
Ecole supérieure des Arts de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

Fritz Kreisler (1875-1962)

Kreisler’s string quartet : “It is my tribute to Vienna— : that is how Fritz Kreisler described his only string quartet, written in 1922.

One of the very few musicians to have his own star in Hollywood’s “walk of fame— , Fritz Kreisler’s image as a violinist and composer still shines to this day in the heart of violinists around the world. His many transcriptions and small “encore— pieces find their way into our recitals and recordings regularly, and his many marvellous recordings as a violinist are still studied, appreciated and loved unanimously around the world. The fact that he wrote a string quartet is less known but it certainly is one of his most profound works, one that conveys the atmosphere of a lost world, that of his cherished hometown, Vienna, and the Austro-Hungarian empire, as well as the memory of his Parisian years as a student and the new chamber works his generation got to discover then: the Debussy string quartet and his friend Schœnberg’s early post-romantic Verklärte nacht. Although not of Jewish descent, Kreisler fled Europe to the United States in the mid 1930s, appalled by the antisemitism that raged in Germany and Austria. He became an American citizen in 1943, and died in 1962 having never returned to his native country.

Kreisler’s string quartet notes by Philippe Graffin

Exil 3 — Echœs of exile

Mardi 06/02 — 19:30

Domaine du Verrewinkel
Ancienne maison-atelier du sculpteur Olivier Strebelle
Avenue Dolez 586, 1180 Uccle

» Tickets

Franz Schubert
Trio à cordes en si bémol D111A [1814]
Fritz Kreisler
Kreisler Quatuor à cordes en la mineur [1919]
Walter Braunfels
Quintette à deux violon celles [1945] (quatuor à cordes, violoncelle)


Philippe Graffin, violon (FR)
Judyta Kluza-Sporniak, violon(PL)
Alex Petryakov, alto (UKR)
Anastasia Feruleva, violoncelle (NL)
Jerœn Reuling, violoncelle (NL)
Quatuor Karski (BE/PL)

Reservation only
Price : 40€ (after the concert cocktail dînatoire included)

Walter Braunfels (1882–1954)

Walter Braunfels was born in Frankfurt am Main and, like Pfitzner, he studied the piano with James Kwast at the city’s Hoch Conservatory. He then continued his studies in Vienna (piano with Leschetizky) and Munich (composi- tion with Felix Mottl and Ludwig Thuille). Braunfels was a fine pianist and played the solo part in the first performance of his early Piano Concerto, Op 21, in 1911. He also wrote a number of works for solo piano, among them a group of 14 Preludes, composed in 1921. His greatest success came in the theatre, above all with the opera Die Vögel, first performed in Munich in 1920, conducted by Bruno Walter who recalled it in his autobiography as ‘one of the most interesting novelties of my time working in Munich’. Walter subsequently conducted Braunfels’s Te Deum in both Munich and Vienna, and his variations on a theme of Berlioz in Berlin, Leipzig and New York. He remained in contact with Braunfels after both had been dismissed by the Nazis (though a Catholic, Braunfels was ‘half-Jewish’), meeting him on several occasions at the home of the Swiss patron of the arts, Werner Reinhart, in Winterthur where Walter heard Braunfels play through his opera Verkündigung (based on Paul Claudel’s play L’annonce faite à Marie).

Exil 4 — Michael’s Nigun by a Transfigured night

Jeudi 8/02 — 19:30

Atelier Marcel Hastir
Rue du Commerce 51, 1000 Bruxelles

» Tickets

Antonin Dvorak
Terzetto op. 74 (deux violons, alto) [1887]
Karol Rathaus
Sonate pour violon et piano, op. 14 [1925]
Ernest Bloch
Baal Shem pour violon et piano [1923]
Arnold Schœnberg
Verklärte Nacht (sextuor à cordes) [1899]


Philippe Graffin, violin (FR)
Michael Guttman, violin (BE)
Chen-Fang Chien, violin (TWN)
Elaine Ng, viola (HK)
Takumi Nozawa, viola (JAP)
Anastasia Feruleva, violoncelle (NL)
Matthew Huber, violoncelle (MLT/UK)
Katsura Mizumoto, piano (JAP)

Karol Rathaus (1895–1954)

Karol Rathaus, with his individual compositional style, is one of the most interesting composers of the exile generation whose work has increasingly gained attention in recent years, with a particular reputation as an opera and ballet composer.

Artistically, Rathaus cut his own path by neither following the late romantic traditions nor join- ing the Second Viennese School movement. Rathaus Studied with Franz Schreker and made his breakthrough as a composer with his Second Symphony and his ballet Der letzte Pierrot. He was regarded as one of the most established film composers in Germany in the early 1930s. During the Third Reich, his works were banned from public performances. Rathaus left Berlin as early as 1933, lived in Paris and London for a few years, and eventually immigrated to the U.S. In 1938 he accepted the chair of professor for composition at Queens College New York in 1940. He lived in exile until his death in New York in 1954.

Exil 5 — Karski by Karski

Samedi 10/02 — 13:00

Musée des Instruments de Musique
Rue de la Montagne 2

» Tickets


Quatuor Karski (BE/PL)

Jan Karski, témoin de la Shoah lecture et film court métrage sur le personnage de Jan Karski
- Entracte -
Felix Mendelssohn
Quatuor à cordes op.13 no. 2 [1827]
Mieczysław Weinberg Quatuor no. 5 op. 27 [1945]

Mieczysław Weinberg (1882–1954)

Born in Warsaw in December 1919, Mieczysław Weinberg had to flee his native country invad- ed by both Nazi Germany and Russia, and lived for the rest of life in the Soviet Union, under his new Russian name, Moisey Vaynberg. He soon became one of the most prominent composers along with Shostakovich, his close friend, and Prokofiev. Late at night on the 6th of September, 1939, the 19 years old Weinberg returned home from the Café Adria where he worked as a pianist. As he ate a meal that his mother had prepared for him, he heard a radio announcement urging all citizens of Warsaw to flee as the arrival of the German army was imminent. The next morning, Weinberg left heading eastwards with his younger sister, but she decided to return home because her shœs were badly hurting her feet. Weinberg never saw his sister and parents again. It was not until 1966, when he returned to Poland for a visit, that he learned from surviving former neighbors that his family had been murdered at the Trawnik concentration camp.

Weinberg’s music’s ethnic influences include not only Jewish, but also Belarusian, Moldavian, and Polish music. Weinberg has been identified by a number of critics as the source of Shostakovich’s own increased interest in Jewish themes.

Exil 6 — Beethoven’s Tango

Samedi 10/02 — 15:00

Musée des Instruments de Musique
Rue de la Montagne 2, 1000 Bruxelles

» Tickets

Ludwig van Beethoven
Trio op. 11 Gassenhauer [1798] (piano, clarinette, violoncelle)
Marcelo Nisinman, Astor Piazzola - tangos
Oblivion, Piazolla / Nisinman
Beethoven’s tango, Nisinman
Jeanne et Paul, Piazolla / Nisinman
Avec le temps, Léo Ferré / Nisinman
Nantes, Nisinman
Cuando tu no estas, Gardel / Nisinman
Argentinos en Europa, Nisinman (pour bandonéon, quatuor à cordes et contrebasse)


Philippe Graffin, violon (FR)
Matthew Huber, cello (MLT)
Chen Halevi, clarinette (ISR)
Marcello Nisinman, bandoneon (ARG)
Daniel Blumenthal, piano (USA)
Quatuor Karski(BE/PL)

Exil 7 — Violons dans le soir

Mercredi 14/02 — 20:00

Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles
Rue de la Régence 30, 1000 Bruxelles

» Tickets

Eugène Ysaÿe
Poème Concertant pour violon et piano [1886]
Guillaume Lekeu
Trois Poèmes pour voix et piano [1892]
Sur une tombe / Ronde / Nocturne*
*arr. par G. Lekeu pour voix, piano et quatuor à cordes
Albert Lavignac
Galop - marche (piano à huit mains) [1875]
Ernest Chausson
Concert op. 21 pour violon, piano et quatuor à cordes
Décidé - Animé / Sicilienne - Pas vite / Grave / Très animé


Sheva Tehoval, mezzosoprano (BE)
Philippe Graffin,violon (FR)
Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden, piano (BE)
Daniel Blumenthal,piano (USA)
Katsura Mizumoto, piano (JAP)
Cagil Sanlidag, piano (TR)
Quatuor Karski (BE/PL)

Concert en collaboration avec Conservamus ASBL.